Eyecare Over 40
Do you sometimes feel that the light is too poor for reading or that print is getting smaller? Are you over 40? The progressive deterioration in the ability of the lenses in our eyes to focus close up is directly related to our age. While symptoms such as fatigue while using computers or doing close work, headaches, eyestrain, inability to read small print, can seem to present suddenly, they have generally developed over a period of time.
Looking After Your Vision Over 40
It’s wise to have regular, thorough eye tests. This will ensure you can enjoy the comfort of having the most accurate prescription for your eyes at all times. You should look on this stage of having regular eye examinations as the beginning of taking better care of yourself. Your body needs more care as it ages to ensure you can enjoy life to the fullest. Your sight exam will include a wide range of checks for diseases which become more prevalent with age, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, tumours, circulatory disease, etc. Take care of your eyes and your health. These are the foundations of your real wealth.
Eye Examination
What is a sight examination?
The following is a general overview of what we do when we perform an eye exam:
A review of your general family and personal health history
A thorough examination of your eyes, both exteriorly and interiorly, for signs of eye disease. This can sometimes show signs of general health problems such as diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure
Eye pressure test to check for glaucoma in adults
Recording your level of vision at near and far distances, without glasses
Tests to determine the presence of nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, depth perception problems and in people over age 40, a test to check for presbyopia (an age-relate condition that affects reading vision)
A check of eye coordination and eye muscle function to be certain the eyes are working well together
A test of the ability to change focus from near to far and vice versa.
Our thorough exam includes a discussion of the exam’s findings and any treatment prescribed, as well as personal advice about such matters as good vision on the job, eye safety, maintaining eye health, prescription lens choices and environmental factors, such as lighting, affecting a person’s eyes and vision.
Additional tests that are part of a comprehensive eye examination for young children are:
A check for any indications of crossed eyes
Checks to ensure the child is using both eyes to maximum capacity
If necessary, a series of tests to determine how well the child’s visual skills are developing
Enhanced Eye Examination:
In recent times all of our testing rooms have been equipped with the latest generation of advanced technologies which bring eye-care into the 21st Century.
An enhanced eye examination includes additional checks such as:
Digital fundus photography to enable comparisons of retinal health over a period of time
Visual field screening (peripheral vision to detect early diseases)
Wider range of tests to screen for possible glaucoma
More time with your clinical practitioner to screen for other diseases
In the astigmatic eye, the front of the cornea is not equally round; it is slightly oval in shape. As a result, the rays of light that enter the eye are bent unequally and cause distortion of the image, resulting in loss of visual acuity.
Your vision will be sharper with a special lens that has extra power in a specific direction in the lens. This will help to correct for the shape of your eye. As it’s a correction for the shape of the eye, it will help sharpen vision at all distances.
Many people have some degree of astigmatism
How to check if your current glasses have a correction for astigmatism:
Hold your existing spectacles away from your eyes
Look at a distant object with a straight surface through one of the lenses
Rotate the lens. If you can clearly see the distortion of the straight surface as you rotate the lens you are likely to have lenses that correct for astigmatism.
How do you see the fan below? Do all lines appear equally clear? If not, you may have some degree of astigmatism.
At Qunin Opticians
Eye tests are the best way to detect for astigmatism. We have a dedicated team of optometrists and opticians who are fully qualified and have a lot of experience in eye-care. We use the latest technology available to carry out sight examinations. Based on these tests, an optician can assess the health of your eyes and check your vision. This will enable us to prescribe the best form of correction, be it through contact lenses, glasses or referral to an eye specialist for further investigation or treatment if necessary. Call in to our branches today to find out if you have astigmatism and obtain the right correction for it.
Signs that you might have an astigmatism
If your notice that your vision is distorted from both close up reading to looking into the distance, you may have astigmatism. This is not uncommon, with more than 95% of the population having some level of astigmatism after all our bodies are rarely perfectly asymmetrical.
Astigmatism and Contact Lenses
Due to recent advances in technology it is now possible to get contact lenses if you have an astigmatism. Soft contact lenses wrap to the shape of the eye and can be made in a form, whereby the power varies across the lens. Known as toric lenses, they require more specialist fitting than basic soft contact lenses as the angle and power of the correction needs to be matched to your requirements and made so that they will float appropriately in your eye. These are normally daily wear disposable lenses or may be of that type that are replaced after either two weeks or a month.
This video from Acuvue gives a good resume of astigmatic contact lenses.
For Kids
Selecting the correct optometrist to care for your child’s eyes doesn’t have to be another worry to add to your parenting list. We understand that it can be difficult for parents to find the level of expertise that they require, especially where children are concerned. Our practice is different because of the unique Paediatric Optometric services and facilities that have been fostered and developed over many years.
We have a well deserved reputation for paediatric clinical excellence and Mums and Dads have spread the word. Our optometrists are highly qualified and at the top of their profession. Orla MacNaeidhe is certified in Behavioural Optometry and our resident leading expert in eyecare for kids.
Our aim is to give you the peace of mind of knowing that your child’s needs are being handled by the best professionals in this area. All children receive a comprehensive eye examination which includes full refraction, binocular vision assessment, ocular health and visual field assessment and appropriate photo-documentation.
Long Sighted
If you find it difficult to see things at near distance, you may have hyperopia or long sightedness. The earliest sign of hyperopia is difficulty with prolonged close work. The reason for suffering from this condition is because the eyeball or cornea is too flat, causing the point of focus to occur behind the retina. The causes of hyperopia are typically genetic.
At Quinn Opticians, we have the most sophisticated and newest technologies to carry out eye examinations. Our experienced team of optometrists and opticians will be able to diagnose your conditions after performing a thorough eye test. We could then discuss the conditions with you and prescribe an appropriate set of glasses or contact lenses.
Far-Sightedness – Solutions
We offer a number of options ranging from the very latest fashionable spectacles with ultra-light, thin lenses through to contact lenses. Call in to any of our branches get your eyes checked with an optician and to view the options you have in terms of eye wear.
Dry Eyes
Do your eyes sometimes feel dry and irritable ?
With the changes in the environment and air pollution, more people are suffering from dry eye or dry eye related symptoms. Make sore, burning eyes a thing of the past.
Investigate and treat your dry eyes at Qunin Opticians. Our optometrists and opticians have specific tests available to check for dry eye. Should dry eye be detected during a sight examination, we can advise you about different treatment options to keep your eyes more comfortable in order to avoid that sore, burning feeling. We also have a series of tests which may also help detect other eye conditions such as high eye pressure, glaucoma or macular degeneration which may not yet be symptomatic but could result in future vision loss.
Short Sighted
If you are shortsighted, close items will be sharply in focus, but you have trouble seeing in the distance. Myopia (nearsightedness or short-sighted) occurs when the cornea is too steep and rays of light are focused in front of the retina. Another way of explaining it is that the eye is too long and the curvature of the cornea is too steep so the image falling directly on the retina is out of focus.
How to Correct Short-Sightedness
Glasses or contact lenses refocus light onto the retina and improve vision. View our range of designer glasses or find out more about contact lenses.
Are you Short-Sighted?
It is common for short-sightedness to occur in adolescence or younger. You may notice it if you have difficulty reading signs or recognising people in the distance, particularly when there is poor lighting.
Need Reading Glasses?
Do you find that the light is not good enough, or that your arms just aren’t long enough? Maybe it’s time to consider being tested for reading glasses. Reading glasses come in many shapes and sizes depending on your needs. If you spend a great deal of time concentrating on material close-up, you may benefit from a larger frame for your reading glasses for extra comfort. Or perhaps you need a pair of tiny foldable reading glasses for use in places like dimly lit restaurants so you can know your ‘filet de boeuf’ from your ‘foie gras.’
Unfortunately the need for reading glasses is generally age related.
Generally if you have never needed glasses in the past, you will start out with a pair of reading glasses rather than bifocals or varifocal lenses (no visible line on the lens). Varifocals may be a better choice if you also need a distance correction. Our team is highly experienced at helping you to choose the right frame to complement your face.
What is Glaucoma?
gluacoma-risk-factorsGlaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve carries the images we see to the brain. It is like an electric cable containing about 1.2 million wires. Glaucoma can damage the nerve fibers, causing blind spots to develop. Many people know that glaucoma has something to do with pressure inside the eye – intraocular pressure (IOP). Pressure builds up in the eye when the clear liquid (the aqueous humour), which normally flows in and out of the eye, is prevented from draining properly. This can happen in different ways, depending on the type of glaucoma. The resulting increase in pressure within the eye can damage the optic nerve.
What causes Glaucoma?
Ophthalmologists used to think that high intraocular pressure was the main cause of optic nerve damage in glaucoma, but we now know that even people with “normal” IOP can experience vision loss from glaucoma (“normal tension glaucoma”). Some people with high intraocular pressure never develop the optic nerve damage of glaucoma, but they need to be followed carefully by an ophthalmologist, as they are considered “glaucoma suspects”.
Elevated IOP
Elevated IOP is still considered a major risk factor for glaucoma, though, because studies have shown that the higher the IOP is, the more likely optic nerve damage is to occur.
Clinically, many people with glaucoma have no symptoms. Because the visual loss is very slow, they are often unaware of their decreasing field of vision. Glaucoma usually affects both eyes. Occasionally, if the eye pressure is high enough, the person may feel discomfort or pain in their eye(s). The eyes may become bloodshot during this period. Glaucoma Risk Factors
- Old age (prevalence increases rapidly in those 40 years old)
- Blood relative with glaucoma
- Nearsightedness (myopia)
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
Our practice is fully equipped with the very latest instrumentation to detect glaucoma at the earliest possible stage. We also have a visual fields machine that will enable us to detect early field loss induced by glaucoma. Our practitioners will examine the back of your eyes. And measuring eye pressure is a standard test in our practice once you are over 40. We can perform this in a number of ways – with your comfort in mind.
Diabetic Retinopathy
When diabetes affects small blood vessels in the part of your eye known as the retina, it is known as diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy left untreated is one of the most common causes of blindness in the working population. It does not generally affect your sight until the changes have become quite advanced. However, in this situation the effectiveness of laser treatment at reducing further sight loss is less effective.
You are at increased risk of suffering from diabetic retinopathy if you:
- Have had diabetes for some time
- Have blood glucose levels that are poorly controlled
- Have high blood pressure
- Are pregnant
- Are taking insulin
Many countries have diabetic screening programmes. In Ireland there have been on-going discussions and now a pilot screening programme is in place. However it is still up to you to take responsibility for your own health and have the screening carried out.
Diabetic Screening at Quinn Opticians
In our optician practices, all of our testing rooms are equipped with the latest technology in fundus photography. This is one of the key methods of recording, viewing and tracking changes to the back of the eye. Our enhanced eye tests include a test for diabetic retinopathy. The sight examinations also include checks for other age related conditions like macular degeneration and glaucoma. An optometrist or optician at our branches will be able to suggest a course of action for you if you suffer from diabetic retinopathy. If you are at risk of diabetic retinopathy or you know someone who is, please contact us for more information.
What is a Cataract ?
A cataract is an eye condition where clouding develops in the crystalline lens of the eye. This clouding can vary in its opacity and causes vision loss by reducing the light entering the eye. Cataracts typically progress slowly but are potentially blinding if untreated. The condition usually affects both the eyes, but almost always one eye is affected earlier than the other. Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in the over 50’s. There is growing evidence about the effect of ultraviolet light in the formation of cataract.
How Common are Cataracts ?
Cataracts are extremely common over the age of 65. Some opticians may not even mention that a cataract is starting to form, because it is of little significance and can be a cause of undue worry. If you have been told that you have cataracts, do not be alarmed. Many parts of body do not function as well as when we were younger. Cataracts are more common in younger people in poorer countries where they are exposed to high levels of UV and their eyes are not protected. Cataracts may also arise due to trauma, injury, diabetes, drugs, or other ocular diseases.
How might I know that I have a cataract ?
If you have blurred vision, your prescription is changing frequently, you feel a discomfort in your eyes, you may have a sense of shadows behind objects, you might have a cataract. Some forms of cataracts cause glare in bright conditions. Most cataracts develop so slowly that they are unnoticed, until they reach a stage that they are interfering your every day life or that they are picked up by your optician.
Diagnosis of Cataracts
There are several stages of the eye examination that your optometrist will notice the development of a cataract on the lens of your eye. When examining your eye with a slit lamp or when performing an ophthalmoscopy i.e. generally the optician is peering inside your eye with a hand-held opthalmoscope and you notice a light shining into your eye.
Other Options To Protect Your Eyes
As professional eye-care providers, we have a number of options to protect your eyes against the harmful effects of ultraviolet light. Most people talk about ultraviolet eye protection and think only about sunglasses. But ultraviolet protection can also be provided with some of the latest contact lenses.
What to do if I suspect I have cataracts.
As with most eye-conditions, early detection can lead to more effective and better treatment of the condition with less risk involved. At Quinn Opticians, we understand the importance of eyesight and can relate to the effect vision loss can have on one’s life. We have the latest optical equipment using advanced technology to check for cataracts and other age related conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration. After your eye test, our team of optometrists and opticians can refer you on to specialists to obtain treatment for your cataracts if necessary. Call in to one of our branches if you suspect you may have a cataract developing, or know someone who may be suffering from cataracts.
What is involved in a cataract operation ?
Cataract operations are the most common operation carried out. They are usually carried out under local anastethic by a surgeon in a day procedure. A small slit is made in cornea and the old lens is broken up with an ultrasound probe and removed. A new manufactured lens is inserted in a total procedure lasting generally not more than twenty minutes. Its takes a few days to recover and you should notice an distinct improvement in your vision.
The following you tube link explains what happens in surgery
What will my sight be like after surgery ?
There are two main types of lenses which are implanted; mono focal or multifocal. Most implants are of the former type and corrective lenses will normally required for reading. Multifocal lenses can reduce dependency on spectacles but require greater preparation to determine what is right for you as some patients experience a reduction in contrast sensitivity or a halo and glare around lights at night.
Macular Degeneration
85% of all Macular Degeneration (or AMD) are dry cases and occur in the over 55′s.
This is an example of how your vision might be impacted if you had AMD
During the early stages of the condition, you may notice difficulty reading small print and seeing fine detail. At this stage, you may find stronger reading lenses and a good quality reading light will help your vision.
While no treatment is available for Dry Macular Degeneration, we recommend vitamin supplements with high doses of antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, to attempt to slow the progression. The earlier the disease is detected the better chance of slowing its progression.
The “wet” form of advanced AMD, causes vision loss due to abnormal blood vessel growth
If left untreated a rapid loss of vision will occur. Treatments with new drugs, called anti-angiogenics or anti-VEGF (anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) agents, can cause regression of the abnormal blood vessels and improvement of vision when injected directly into the vitreous humor of the eye.
Check yourself: The Amsler Grid
The Amsler Grid may be helpful in revealing signs of wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). It is not a subsititute for regular eye tests.
- If you wear glasses or contact lenses for reading, put them on but do not wear varifocals or distance glasses
- Stay at approximately 12 inches (30 cm) from the screen in front of your eyes, or you may print it and hold it directly in front of your eyes in a well lit room
- Cover one eye with your hand and focus on the centre dot with your uncovered eye. Repeat with your other eye
- If you see wavy, broken or distorted lines, blurred or missing areas of the vision, you may be displaying symptoms of AMD and should contact your Optician within the week.